I wasn't going to post until I had something completed to show, but I seem to be unable to do that. First, I wanted to do the backing to the Simple Sampler Quilt, make the quilt sandwich, pin and baste, and hopefully, quilt it taking my time and doing a good job. Well, I didn't have enough of the stripe fabric for the backing, so I spent time measuring and putting together a patchwork backing. That's fine, and I like the backing. Then I went to get the batting, and I didn't have the right fit. That's what happens when you have batting on a large bolt. You think you have enough forever, but lo and behold, it runs out. So I put that project aside until I get to the store, probably tomorrow.
I wanted to finish the Word Play table cover, but again, I was about a 1/2 inch short on the batting on one side. I don't want to cut the top, so that's on hold again. I might patch the batting since it's just a table cover. That project should really be done by now.
The Erik Homemade Scrap Quilt qal is still going on. This week was the 18th week. I think it's time that one got wrapped up.
I did finish, wash and dry the two laprobes I made for the hospital. They go tomorrow.

I wanted to do something, so I pulled out one of my favorite books,
Little Quilts All Through the House, and saw their suggestion to separate scraps into width size for easy use. I'm working on that project now. I cut and separated strips into separate width containers. I even cleaned out my scrap container and organized it. But if you could see the rest of my sewing room, you wouldn't even notice the nice and neat scrap bin.

The smaller scrap strips are going to be used for a small log cabin wall hanging that is featured in the book. The blocks are only 5" square, so it will be fun and quick I think (famous last words?)

It's been raining since Monday, and the temperatures have dropped to the low 70's. It's been great. Unfortunately, the upper 80's are due to be back this weekend. I'm so ready for fall I would like to go out and get it. I've even scouted out the autumn blog backgrounds, so don't be surprized if you see one here soon.
God Bless You.