"A very Merry Unbirthday to you, to you. A very Merry Unbirthday to you." from Walt Disney's Alice in Wonderland"

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

One Down and Many More to Go, Hopefully.

I live in New England, and if you know anything about what the weather has been like for us this winter, you may think I don't do anything but shovel snow and then sack out on the recliner with my blankie and cat to recover.  But I have in fact been sewing and crocheting, as well.
I wasn't going to show this quilt until I realized it is the first completed from start to finish project of 2011, so here it is.  As I mentioned in a previous post, I plan to make something from every quilt magazine I receive.  The February/March issue of Quilters Newsletter has a feature on quilts that were made by inspiration of the Mosaic Tiles of Andalusa, Spain, specifically the Alhambra Palace in Granada.  I didn't want a quilt with a white background, as beautiful as those quilts are, so I used fabric I had on hand to make something I needed, a table cover.  This is the quilt pattern I meant to follow:

My quilt looks like a fifth cousin removed a few times, if that's the correct reference. 
And as in life, it isn't exactly what you thought it would be, but it has it's merits.

I wanted a coffee table cover and I have one. 
And I have an accomplishment.

That's it for now.  More shoveling tomorrow, as another Nor'easter is hitting us right now.  This is the third snowfall this week.  I laughed yesterday when I received a call from the senior citizens group I joined to inform me that the February meeting was cancelled.  Not taking any chances:) 

Hope all is well with you. 
God Bless You.


  1. It's lovely, the neutral background is much softer than if you'd used white.

  2. In the south...we call them cousins no matter how removed!!! I love the colors you used and the pattern.

  3. Your table cover is beautiful. I love the colors you went with.

  4. Oh....I just love this quilt...it is beautiful...you can see the pattern better on the table and it is soooo lovely.

  5. Heard about your bad weather, although I think we have been forecast some snow again too. I'm sure it's some of yours so I was going to ask if you wanted it back ? :-)
    Beautiful, beautiful quilt Joanna. :-) x x x


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