Hello Everyone,
I missed you very much and regret that I did not keep up with all of your happenings for the past almost a whole year. I went through a big change in moving from the home where I spent most of my life so far to a little home in the suburbs. I love my new home. Things are still chaotic in some ways in that now that the weather is getting nice I am trying to put my stamp on the yard and gardens. It's fun but tons of work. I'm sure many of you can identify with this and the stress that goes along with it. I haven't done much quilting except for what I am sharing today, and these two quilts are for
Hands 2 Help, the event Sarah Craig at
Confessions of a Fabric Addict runs each year. I've participated for a few years now and couldn't see missing it this year. The feminine quilt top was already sewn up and only needed the hard part done, that is batting, backing, quilting, binding, etc. I love doing the binding, so that really isn't so difficult.

This is the feminine quilt that is made with Bunny Hill fabric and was photographed on my new front porch. I did not make the pillow; it's a Walmart special but it's sweet because it says "Faith" on it. I've had to have a lot of that lately.
This is the masculine quilt. Sarah shared this design, and I liked the pattern because it's all scraps. It is very simple and fun to make because anything goes; the background color ties it all together.
These are probably going to the Happy Chemo organization, as long as they meet the size requirements.
I will be reading many blogs to catch up with you.
Take care and God Bless You.
(I plan on posting again soon; my sewing machine misses me too much:)