"A very Merry Unbirthday to you, to you. A very Merry Unbirthday to you." from Walt Disney's Alice in Wonderland"

Saturday, September 14, 2013

September Christmas QAL - Post 1

The Christmas QAL is on at Hazel's http://www.hazelsquilts.blogspot.com   Where I live it is one gorgeous day.  I think I love it more after a week of humidity, the kind of days that sap energy.  Not today.  It's clear, cool, dry; lovely. 
So, I do plan to work on my Nativity, but I need to fix my second polar bear first.  When he was hanging up waiting for attention I noticed his cap was off.  Now paper piecing has the reputation for accuracy, but not in my hands. But it's fixable.  So that's first.
You got Cookies by Sonja Callaghan; Quiltmaker Nov/Dec 2012


  1. Oops! Funny that you don't see these things when you are doing them!

    Look forward to seeing your progress this weekend.

  2. He's oh so cute. Paper piecing isn't always accurate, because I've had some that just don't match up.


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