"A very Merry Unbirthday to you, to you. A very Merry Unbirthday to you." from Walt Disney's Alice in Wonderland"

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

 I have taken quite a break from blogging, but I hope to return to posting regularly.  I didn't have the same enthusiasm in quilting that I used to have. But I have joined a quilt club, The Swansea Quilt Club, and it has helped me get over that block. Not only am I quilting and sewing again, but I have too many projects going at once, so I must be cured:) The dining room table is covered in fabric, sewing machines and notions. Can't stop now.

I made my nephew a golf quilt. It is a panel on the front and the back is pieced with golfing image fabric. 

This is a pumpkin table runner I began in 2022 and finished last autumn. 

I donated this quilt to our parish school for a fundraiser, but I wish I had kept it.  

I am definitely making another.

Moxie is fifteen. She's diabetic but is aging gracefully.

God bless everyone.  Be back soon.


  1. So nice to hear from your again and I'm very pleased you are sewing again. I love your quilt and runner. Moxie is looking very good.

  2. Wow! So glad to see you back & seems a lot of us have had a slump, both with mojo for craft etc., and keeping up our blogs. I've had so many issues with internet & now I've upgraded my PC, but don't know how to download my photos from camera so have been lax too. Also, I think the Pandemic restrictions got to quite a few of us and we are still in post-pandemic mode. I've had many issues with trying to comment on blogs, so hope this goes through. Your quilts are all gorgeous and I hope well appreciated. Thanks for taking time to read my blog too. Take care & hugs.


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